How To Build A Platform Like VIPKID

By Hyperlocal Cloud

June 10, 2024

How To Build A Platform Like VIPKID

Learning English has become a cakewalk with the availability of platforms like VIPKID. It encourages users to learn English from reputed teachers and provides virtual classroom experiences. What if you own a similar app? What if you earn the same way this app is making money? How about executing your new business idea with a VIPKID clone?

As demand for online education soars, enterprising minds like yours seek opportunities to land in this lucrative market. With the VIPKID clone, you unlock umpteen possibilities where your business aspirations will find fruitful ground to flourish.

In this blog, learn how VIPKID clone development takes place. Also, learn how you can earn better with its incredible revenue mode.

Key Statistics of the Online Education Market

  • The number of users in the online education market may reach 1,121.0M by 2029.
  • In global comparison, the United States will generate the most revenue, US$87.51 Bn, in 2024.
  • Revenue may show an annual growth rate of 8.56%.
  • The e-learning market is projected to grow by 20.5% from 2022–30.
  • By 2030, the e-learning industry will top $1 trillion in revenue.

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Key Features of an App like VIPKID

VIPKID clone is an innovative platform that connects English teachers with students worldwide. It targets business enthusiasts who want to connect teachers and students to teach and learn English anytime, anywhere.

For Teachers

Flexible Schedule: Tutors can teach from the comfort of their homes. They can manage their working schedules and organize their time for work-life balance.

Diverse Student Base: The VIPKID-like app offers diverse students, from young learners to adults. Teachers get rewards for their endeavours and accomplishments through the feedback they receive.

Interactive Curriculum: VIPKID clone provides comprehensive material for the lessons, games, and other activities to capture the students' attention and make the learning process more effective.

Supportive Community: The platform embraces a community of dedicated educators and provides teachers with like-minded people to discuss and share experiences, materials, and inspiration.

Competitive Compensation: Teachers can earn competitive rates for their teaching services. VIPKID clone rewards teachers for their expertise and dedication.

For Students

Personalized Learning: The platform has personalized instruction tailored to their needs. It matches students with experienced teachers who provide customized lessons to maximize learning outcomes.

Interactive Lessons: The platform includes virtual classrooms with interactive whiteboards, games, and activities so students engage in dynamic and interactive lessons.

Flexible Scheduling: Flexibly students can take lessons at a time convenient for them. The clone allows them to freely select when to take classes in a week.

Progress Tracking: Monitor students' progress and learning journey with clone's built-in progress-tracking tools. Track their achievements and determine areas for improvement.

Supportive Environment: Students can take advantage of forums where they and their fellows can ask questions, get answers, and interact with teachers.

For Administrators

User Management: Clone's intuitive administrative tools allow administrators to manage users and permissions. They can onboard new users, assign roles, and manage user activity within the platform.

Reporting and Analytics: It allows institutions to monitor the utilization of teaching and learning interventions and evaluate performance.

Curriculum Management: These features include course mapping and administration, allowing platform administrators to customize curriculum programs based on explicitly stated learning outcomes and other standards.

Billing and Payment Processing: This can help administrators conveniently schedule billing cycles, process financial payments, and issue invoices. It also entails easy billing and payment methods.

Technical Support: The clone's experienced team provides dedicated technical support and assistance. Administrators rely on the platform's responsive support services to address technical issues.

Development Steps to Build All like VIPKID

Developing an app such as VIPKID involves several critical stages. Here's a breakdown of the development process:

Market Research and Planning

Before starting development, conduct thorough market research to understand the market demographics in online courses like learning English. Based on this research, plan the features, technology stack, and business model.

Define Core Features

VIPKID features like interactive whiteboards, live video classes, lesson materials, progress tracking, and scheduling thrive conversions. Prioritize such facets based on their importance and feasibility.

Choose the Right Technology Stack

After defining performance scalability and cost parameters, choose the most appropriate technology stack for your app. For cross-platform development, utilize technologies such as React Native, whereas for native development, focus on specific platforms like iOS or Android.

Design User Interface and Experience (UI/UX)

An appealing interface allows students and teachers to maneuver easily within the app. Design an appealing presentation with interactive features, navigation bars and buttons, and an attractive aesthetic.

Develop Backend Infrastructure

Develop the underlying IT architecture for ATA storage, user authentication, content delivery, and real-time communication between students and tutors.

Implement Video Conferencing and Interactive Tools

The app should include features such as video conferencing and tools like whiteboards, chat, and screen sharing for the live classes.

Content Management System (CMS)

A CMS can facilitate handling lesson materials, assignments, quizzes, and other teachable content. It enables teachers to post their learning materials and adapt lessons to meet individual students' needs.

Implement Payment Gateway

A secure payment gateway fosters course fees. Our developers integrate payment gateways according to your preferences.

Testing and Quality Assurance

Run the app's necessary checks and performance tests on various devices and browsers under different network conditions.

Launch and Marketing

After its development, the application will be deployed in stores and marketed using available marketing strategies, including social media and SEO.

Post-launch Improvement

Continuously work on new updates, additions, and content to ensure users are satisfied with the app. Easily ensure that future development work is based on user feedback, traffic analysis, and market trends.

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Benefits of Developing an English Learning App Akin to VIPKID

Emulating such a digitalization serves learners and offers multifaceted benefits for business enthusiasts like you. Let's explore these advantages in depth.

Accessibility and Convenience

One of the most significant advantages of an English learning app like VIPKID is that a person can easily access it. Education is accessible anytime, anywhere since users can access it from their handheld portable device. This convenience does away with geographical limitations and the time factor restricting learners from engaging in English learning flexibly.

Personalized Learning Experience

It has become enormously significant in modern education, and an English learning app provides this option. Since the app is designed to track users' data and performance, it may adapt content and lessons depending on the individual's interests, learning curve, and behavior. Individualized approaches and individualized feedback optimize learning outcomes and provide for tailor-made progress.

Interactive and Engaging Content

It is necessary to stress that traditional training models no longer remain with the passive type of knowledge acquisition. As per the learner, an English learning app such as VIPKID includes some media components, such as videos, games, quizzes, and interactive exercises. These features introduce fun and entertainment to the learning process and improve comprehension and memory. Creating realistic environments aims to capture the learner's attention and increase their focus and absorption so that they can better master the language.


In traditional classroom learning, there are a lot of overheads, including tuition fees and costs to be transported from home to class. On the other hand, an English learning app is relatively cheap compared to a live tutor application. If learners have to purchase individual apps, it will drastically reduce the overall cost, as most apps can only be developed and maintained once. This affordability gives the people of society the chance to learn English regardless of their social status.

Global Reach and Market Penetration

The technology has no bounds regarding geographic locations, which will be helpful for an English learning application. The app should have localization and multilingual support options to address learners from diverse cultural backgrounds and work well with learners with varying artistic abilities. It also increases the number of user-learners worldwide by enabling cultural exchange and cross-cultural communication, enriching the learning experience.

Scalability and Flexibility

Scalability is typical for digital products; an English learning app does not need localizations. Thus, growing and expanding with more users is easy as additional resources can be easily integrated into the app. Additionally, the application can be tailored to the learners' needs, whether learning for informal or academic purposes or to achieve a high language level.

Community Building and Support

An English learning app encourages learners to engage with their fellow learners and offer support. Four include discussion forums, live chat and customization, and virtual classrooms, allowing learners to share ideas, engage in discussions, and seek help from fellow learners and instructors. This co-created learning environment gives everyone a cheerful learning disposition and makes learners feel valued.

Data-driven Insights and Continuous Improvement

To generalize, data analytics are a critical aspect of increasing the efficiency of the English learning application. This information means developers can analyze their target audience's behavior and preferences through ticking, progress, and feedback metrics. Thus, technology in the form of an English education app enhances learners' potential and enables them to embark on a journey of changing and opening up a world of unlimited possibilities in the simplification of individualism.

Development Cost of VIPKID-like App

A VIPKID-like app development requires a proper investment. It depends on features, platform (web, mobile), tech tools, design, and the team's place. A basic one can cost $8,000-$50,000. But a premium one, with things like interactive whiteboards, video calls, and intelligent learning, can exceed $50,000. It includes making the software, designing, testing, managing, and keeping it all going. You must consult an app development company to obtain an exact quote customized to your requirements.

Wrapping Up!

VIPKID-like app provides an accessible and dynamic way to improve language skills anywhere. Their personalized learning paths, interactive features, and gamified activities cater to differnt learning levels and styles. Users can immerse themselves in English language practice effortlessly, whether it's grammar refinement, fluency growth, or vocabulary development. VIPKID-like app is poised to become more sophisticated.

Are you ready to enter the educational sector with a VIPKID-like app? Let Hyperlocal Cloud be your development ally! Contact us now to accomplish your business goals.

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